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- COMAL PlayNOTES -- June 1985 Part II
- ===== ========= ==== ==== ==== ==
- by: Joel Ellis Rea
- -------------- June 27 ---------------
- Captain C couldn't make it, so the
- others asked me to moderate this
- meeting in his place. The first
- subject was COMAL 2.0 program
- protection, specifically the
- PROTECT64 program found on the COMAL
- 2.0 Cartridge Demo Disk #3.
- One of the features of COMAL is the
- ability, like the advanced versions of
- Microsoft BASIC, to save a program in
- a special 'protected' form on the disk
- so that it will LOAD and RUN, but not
- be able to be LISTed or modified. In
- Microsoft BASIC, this is done by a
- 'SAVE "filename.ext",P' command, where
- the ',P' specifies Protected SAVE.
- COMAL has no such command, but the
- UniCOMAL guys supplied PROTECT64, a
- COMAL program to do the task. Since
- the encryption scheme would be of very
- small value were the algorithm to
- become public knowledge, PROTECT64 is
- itself protected! CUGUSA has offered
- a reward to the first person to send
- them a source listing of PROTECT64,
- but so far no one has succeeded.
- Anyway, a protected program LOADs
- and RUNs just like the original. It
- uses less room on the disk and in
- memory, since the name table and other
- info needed only by the LIST command
- and the editor are removed. When a
- protected program is LOADed, a flag
- is set that causes any attempt to use
- a LIST, DISPLAY, POKE or any names
- (such as Packages) to be greeted with
- a 'Source Protected !!!' message.
- This is good news for those who would
- like to publish programs in COMAL,
- but would like to keep their
- programming 'tricks' a secret!
- We also discussed the Star Micronics
- SG-10C. It appears to be fully
- compatible with the 1526 (MPS-802),
- NOT the SG-10, the 1525, the MPS-801/3
- or any of the interfaces! That means
- it does NOT support the nice print
- sizes and styles which made the SG-10
- (formerly the Gemini-10x) famous!
- ----------- End of Article -----------